Saturday, February 13, 2016

Glazing Color Squares

Hello.  I've been working on paintings lately, and it takes up a lot of my spare time.  In fact, painting takes up most of my spare time.  Here's a page that show my love for color.  In the past, I've done paintings of just squares of color.  Whenever I have a color squares painting on the wall in front of my bed, or a comfortable couch, I can spend time relaxing, just viewing the different squares of color and the relationship between each.

How did I make this page? After adding a thin coat of acrylic gesso to the page, I began the structure with a square stamp which I filled the page with its marks using a red ink pad.  Next, I simply made colored glazes by mixing Golden Acrylic Glazing Liquid with drops of Golden Liquid Acrylic. I make just enough of each glaze to fill a square or two.  Some of the squares are glazed once with a single color. Others are glazed with two or three layers of different colors.  I always enjoy this.  Try it yourself. It's easer to make a glaze with a transparent color.  Most artist colors show the transparency rating on the bottle, or you can research this online. Did you know that there is a transparent white? Well, compared with titanium white, zinc white is transparent.  I did not use zinc white on this page, though.  I usually like to use zinc white when doing portraits. What's your favorite color?
Big New Sketchbook, page 16. Steve Franklin, 2015
I hope you enjoyed this page.  Thanks for viewing, and take care!


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